Aidan Davy joined ICMM in June 2007. He is responsible for ICMM's Community and Socio-economic Development Program, including issues relating to Human
rights and Indigenous Peoples. He also leads ICMM's work on sustainability reporting and independent assurance. Aidan has over 23 years of cross-sectoral
experience on sustainable development issues, working with a range of private, multi-lateral and not-for-profit organizations. For the past 12 years,
his primary focus has been on social responsibility and accountability issues relating to the extractive industries.
The International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) was established in 2001 to act as a catalyst for performance improvement in
the mining and metals industry. Today, the organization brings together 19 mining and metals companies as well as 30 national and
regional mining associations and global commodity associations to address the core sustainable development challenges faced by the
industry. ICMM's vision is one of member companies working together and with others to strengthen the contribution of mining,
minerals and metals to sustainable development.